A baby named Samuel was born in Brazil in 2014, and he looked very different from other babies. He had dark skin, but his body had patches of different skin colors, and a strand of his hair was very bright white.
The doctors were surprised by his unique appearance, but his family wasn’t. You see, Samuel’s mother also had a similar look when she was born, and it was something she inherited from her own mother. However, many people find it hard to believe that they were born this way.
People who saw Samuel often thought that the white strand of hair was just gray hair, and they assumed his skin color was from the sun. But Samuel didn’t mind at all. Unlike his mom and grandma, who felt embarrassed by their appearance, he felt good and confident about how he looked.
When he was 2 years old, Samuel had a dream of becoming famous. He went to an audition to become a model, and luckily, he was noticed by talent scouts.
Since 2018, he has been working as a model and has contracts with famous clothing brands. Samuel is now 4 years old and even walks on runways, like those in fashion shows. He works hard, sometimes for 6-8 hours a day. He has become a real celebrity, especially in Brazil. People recognize Samuel on the streets, and his family has enough money to travel.
In the future, Samuel wants to be in movies. His friends are confident that he will succeed, and we wish him lots of luck.